Back in October, after seeing Gravity, America’s leading science guy Neil deGrasse Tyson took to Twitter to point out a whole bunch of scientific inaccuracies in the film. Though he said he ultimately liked the film, it was too late — shots were fired. Well, last night, at the Time 100 Gala, Tyson found himself talking with Gravity director and co-writer Alfonso Cuarón, and at first glance, it appears things were a little tense:

But they quickly settled down, and you can see the two laughing and posing together, along with other space friends: former astronaut and current Under Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere Kathryn Sullivan and Harvard astronomer John Kovac. Like Sandra Bullock taking her steps on the wet sand, Cuarón and Tyson have taken their first wet steps to being best space friends forever.