Sebastian Stan didn’t know much about Marvel comics when he first auditioned for the title role in Captain America, so when he landed the part of Cap’s best bud Bucky Barnes instead, it might have seemed like just another supporting role — especially when Bucky bit the big one in the first film. But now that Stan’s all caught up on his reading material, as he assured Vulture at Monday night’s Cinema Society screening for Captain America: The Winter Soldier, the actor is super excited about what may come in future installments (notwithstanding his juicy role as the transformed Winter Soldier in this one). “It’s only in recent years that I’ve become a fan,” he admitted. “And now I’m really into the story line and I’ve read all the [Ed] Brubaker stuff, so now I’m really going in and going, ‘Okay, this is cool. Wow, I’m lucky this is the character I ended up with.’”
Brubaker’s “Winter Soldier” arc was a comic-book game-changer for Captain America, not only because he resurrected the thought-to-be-dead Bucky Barnes, but because his story line changed Cap’s image, questioned his loyalty, and turned the sidekick into the lead character. “Honestly, at this point, it’s amazing,” Stan said. “I waited for two years to hear whether I was coming back for the sequel, so it’s a great thing to have this thing with Marvel, where they call you up, you suit up, and you go to work.”
Going to work on future installments could mean some juicy fight scenes with Tony Stark (since the mind-controlled Winter Soldier assassinated his dad). “I wouldn’t mind that at all,” Stan said. “Iron Man would definitely outwit the Winter Soldier very quickly, in terms of banter, but after that? Maybe things would turn out a different way.”
As for any potential love scenes with the Black Widow herself — an arc that played out in the comics — Stan wouldn’t mind those, either. “Hey, listen, I could talk about the Black Widow all you want!” he laughed. “That’s an amazing story line. I would love for that to happen.” The actor got a little tongue-tied, even, musing on the possibility of seducing Scarlett Johansson onscreen: “That is … something … one should … have a chance at doing. Yes.”