saturday night live

Nasim Pedrad Likely Not Coming Back to SNL

Nasim Pedrad. Photo: DAVID CROTTY/Patrick McMullan

It appears unlikely that Nasim Pedrad will return to SNL next season. It’s a fact that felt like a foregone conclusion, what with Pedrad co-starring on Fox’s highly anticipated new fall comedy Mulaney, but now Pedrad all but officially confirmed it. Yesterday, while on a panel at the ATX Television Festival, Pedrad addressed her possible departure, “I haven’t heard any official word so far, but I love this show so much.” Adding, “I have an apartment in L.A. and, as far as I know, I’m in L.A. now.” Because it’s SNL, everything is still a bit mysterious, even for Pedrad. Still, later in the panel, Pedrad reiterated her comments, though uncertainly, “I think we’re all in with this show.” Pedrad just finished her fifth season on SNL. Ta-ta for now, Shallon.

Nasim Pedrad Likely Not Coming Back to SNL