Shia LaBeouf’s Ample Collection of Dirty Tees: A Slideshow
Shia LaBeouf appeared this morning, fresh out of police custody, in a shirt so perfectly ripped that it could’ve jumped straight into a Transformers scene. It was one of the many scummy tees (often paired with jorts!) that make up his signature I don’t give a fuck style. In celebration of the actor’s effortlessly crappy look, here are some of his best T-shirts.

The gorgeously ripped shirt Shia wore after getting outta jail this morning? While I would like to believe the shoulder rip is authentic, I have my do...
The gorgeously ripped shirt Shia wore after getting outta jail this morning? While I would like to believe the shoulder rip is authentic, I have my doubts.
Photo: Turgeon-Steffman / Splash News/�©
Fun fact: Uncle Sherman is a doll that depicted an uncle who showed his penis when his trench coat blew in the wind.
Photo: Bauer-Griffin/2014 Bauer-...Fun fact: Uncle Sherman is a doll that depicted an uncle who showed his penis when his trench coat blew in the wind.
Photo: Bauer-Griffin/2014 Bauer-Griffin
Every dude's gotta have his Che shirt. La Revolución!
Photo: Picasa/©
Could you so flawlessly rock a casual maroon tee with jorts? Prob not.
Photo: Splash News/©
Never has a cartoon chicken looked so delicious -— if you catch my drift.
Photo: Bauer-Griffin/2014 Bauer-Griffin
Can I lust over a man in a teddy-bear tee? Watch me.
Photo: SPW / Splash News/�©
I can't tell what's on this tee, but it feels quite vintage. Could use a few more holes.
Photo: Richard Beetham / Splash News/�©
Shia + ironic old people tee = an Etsy seller's dream.
Photo: Bauer-Griffin/2014 Bauer-GriffinThe promotional Bud Light tee your dad got at that party? Fifteen years later, it's now being worn by Shia LaBeouf.
Photo: Alo Ceballos/2013 Alo Ceba...The promotional Bud Light tee your dad got at that party? Fifteen years later, it's now being worn by Shia LaBeouf.
Photo: Alo Ceballos/2013 Alo CeballosDo you think that race car transforms?
Photo: CoqueranGroup/© Corbis. All Rights Reserved.A Harley-Davidson tee that perfect shows off those biceps. These tees aren't scummy, they're strategic.
Photo: Splash News/©