kimye forever

What Is Kanye Saying in This Pre-Wedding Pep-Talk Photo?

Khloe Kardashian put a photo on Instagram yesterday from the Kimye wedding, where it appears Kanye is addressing all of the women who will soon be in his life … forever. We thought long and hard about what he might actually be saying, and here are our ideas:

  1. “I’m very excited about getting married, but first, I would like to tell you a little bit more about why Nike was not respecting my creative vision.”
  2. “Please do not use the gold toilets. The gold toilets are for guests only.”
  3. “I would like to first apologize for calling you trophies in that song. I respect all women. It was Future’s idea.”
  4. “Wait, why is French Montana here?”
  5. “Where’s Rob?”

There’s also this photo, in which Kim is making either a this-is-so-perfect-I-could-cry face or a post-ugly-cry face. (And, unsurprisingly, North is actually crying.)

What Is Kanye Saying in This Pre-Wedding Photo?