The When Harry Met Sally Movie Premiere Was So 1989
Today marks the 25th anniversary of When Harry Met Sally, one of Vulture’s favorite comedies ever, so we hope you can forgive us for going hog-wild on it. We feel bad about it, so please accept … ooh, look at these photos that just came in from the movie’s premiere back on July 13, 1989! Why, that’s Demi Moore and Bruce Willis, then still a happily married couple with iconic hers-and-his Vanity Fair and Spy magazine covers on the horizon. They were joined at the screening by such ’80s curios as Judd Nelson and Scott Baio, as well as other well-known and dimly familiar faces. As you click through the slideshow, we predict that you will say the following things: Whoa! (see slide No. 3); Wow! (slide No. 14); and Baby fish mouth! (every single slide, just because that quote is useful in every situation).

Because a movie-premiere photo gallery isn't a movie-premiere photo gallery unless it begins with Carol Channing waving hello in a Captain Stubing–sty...
Because a movie-premiere photo gallery isn't a movie-premiere photo gallery unless it begins with Carol Channing waving hello in a Captain Stubing–style dinner jacket. Hello, Dolly!
Photo: Jim Smeal/WireImage
The caption the photo agency has included with this image reads "Actor John Cusack making a frightful face at movie premiere When Harry Met Sally...
The caption the photo agency has included with this image reads "Actor John Cusack making a frightful face at movie premiere When Harry Met Sally." But I like to think it should read "John Cusack makes a frightful face after learning that When Harry Met Sally ... has copied the ellipses-in-the-title gimmick used a few months earlier by Say Anything ..."
Photo: Kevin Winter/DMI/Time Life Pictures/Getty Images
This photo is presented without snarky comment.
Photo: Jim Smeal/WireImage
It is so nice when you can stand with someone and not have to talk, thinks Scott Baio in this photo of him with his then-girlfriend, Clue's Lesley Ann...
It is so nice when you can stand with someone and not have to talk, thinks Scott Baio in this photo of him with his then-girlfriend, Clue's Lesley Ann Warren. Especially when Charlton Heston is standing right behind us, yo!
Photo: Ron Galella, Ltd./WireImage
Carol Kane and Bud Cort in the throes of what can only be assumed is a quirky date.
Photo: Ron Galella, Ltd./WireImage
Bruce Springsteen's ex and future Sisters co-star Julianne Phillips is smiling the smile that only someone fresh off playing Chevy Chase's love intere...
Bruce Springsteen's ex and future Sisters co-star Julianne Phillips is smiling the smile that only someone fresh off playing Chevy Chase's love interest in Fletch Lives can smile.
Photo: Jim Smeal/WireImage
Judd Nelson, three years removed from his From the Hip heyday.
Photo: Time & Life Pictures/Time & Life Pictures/Getty Images
Penny for your thoughts, sullen guy over Bruce Willis's right shoulder?
Photo: Ron Galella, Ltd./WireImageShelley Long (with her then-husband Bruce Tyson) is certainly dressed for the occasion — meaning the year 1989.
Photo: Jim Smeal/WireImageJust try to keep Bobby Shriver, Maria Shriver, and Eunice Kennedy Shriver away from a Hollywood premiere. You can't!
Photo: Jim Smeal/WireImageAt last, here is When Harry Met Sally star Billy Crystal (and wife) with director Rob Reiner (and wife). And here are my four favorite lines fr...
At last, here is When Harry Met Sally star Billy Crystal (and wife) with director Rob Reiner (and wife). And here are my four favorite lines from When Harry Met Sally: (4) "Pesto is the quiche of the '80s." (3) "Waiter, there is too much pepper on my paprikash ... but I would be proud to partake of your pecan pie." (2) "Three huge guys, one of them was wearing a T-shirt that says, Don't fuck with Mr. Zero." (1) "Baby fish mouth! Baby fish mouth!"
Photo: Ron Galella, Ltd./WireImageMeg Ryan arrives at the premiere! (Okay, this and the final two slides are actually from the UK premiere in December 1989 but Ryan was camera shy at t...
Meg Ryan arrives at the premiere! (Okay, this and the final two slides are actually from the UK premiere in December 1989 but Ryan was camera shy at the L.A. premiere.)
Photo: Tom Wargacki/WireImagePip-pip and tally-ho, happy (former) couple Meg Ryan and Dennis Quaid!
Photo: Georges DeKeerle/Getty ImagesWhen Princess Di met Harry and Sally...
Photo: Alpha/Globe Photos/ImageCollect//ImageCollect