If you were the type of Wonder Years fan who’d tape up photos of Kevin, Winnie, Paul, and even that goony big brother in your locker, you’ll love this contest. Up for grabs is a special complete DVD set of The Wonder Years, which is packaged in a miniature but still metallic and authentic-feeling locker. Did Kevin even have a locker on the show? It doesn’t matter, because you will have a locker. And not just any old locker — a Wonder Years locker. If you win our contest, that is.

How do you win this Wonder Years locker? By taking us to haiku school, that’s how. So take out your finest haiku pen, throw it away, and then type your best Wonder Years–themed haiku in the comments section below. The poem you submit can be about a particular episode or story line, a single character, or something more esoteric, but it must be composed in the necessary 5-7-5 haiku structure, and it must involve The Wonder Years somehow. Here’s an example:
Oh, Kevin Arnold:
Winnie Cooper’s great and all
But Madeline? Whoa.
[Note: That hastily concocted haiku would not win the contest.]
Put your submissions in the comments below or on our Facebook page before midnight eastern time tomorrow night (so, August 28 at 11:59 p.m. ET or earlier); we will select one winner and announce the results on Friday, August 29. Also-rans are fully encouraged to pre-order the DVD set, which ships in early October. Full contest rules are available here. Good luck!