Good Neighbor’s Nick Rutherford Joins the ‘SNL’ Writing Staff

The one member of Good Neighbor to be left out of last year’s SNL hirings has now rejoined his friends on the NBC sketch show. The Comic’s Comic reports that Nick Rutherford has officially joined the writing staff for SNL and has already begun working on content for the 40th season alongside his fellow Good Neighbor members Beck Bennett, Kyle Mooney, and director Dave McCary. Here’s what Rutherford had to say last year on The Poundcast podcast when asked about the possibility of him being brought on the show later:

“I mean, that’s all that’s ever talked about is like, ‘Oh, we gotta get you out here. We’re gonna get you out here.’ But, you know, I’ve been burned, man … We had dreams and plans, and they were set in place.”

To get an idea of what the complete Good Neighbor might bring to SNL this year, check out our video guide to some of their best work.

Good Neighbor’s Nick Rutherford Joins the ‘SNL’ […]