Black Mirror, British satirist Charlie Brooker’s groundbreaking dystopian anthology series — which, if you haven’t seen it, you should — is getting a very special guest. Deadline reports that Jon Hamm will star in a one-off, 90-minute Christmas special that also features Game of Thrones’s Oona Chaplin. Hamm called himself a “massive fan” of the show, saying, “Its dark humor and intelligent observation of our society and values hooked me deeply as a viewer, and I’m honored that Charlie and the rest of the creative team have asked me to participate in wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas.” According to Britain’s Channel 4, it will be “the most mind-bending episode yet,” showcasing three interwoven stories of “Yuletide techno-paranoia,” with Hamm appearing in all three. Judging by Don’s level of techno-paranoia that one time SC&P got a new computer, this should be right up his alley.