The Super Troopers sequel is happening. Speaking to Us Weekly last week, Broken Lizard’s Steve Lemme confirmed that the long-awaited Super Troopers 2 is now set to begin production sometime early 2015 following some legal and financial hurdles:
“You know, it was a combination of having to settle some of the legal disputes about making a sequel, while also negotiating terms for it,” Lemme told Us of what took so long. “The fans have been asking for it for a while, but we were finally able to package everything together. Fox is going to distribute the film, but we needed to raise the money for it. We’re close. There may be a Kickstarter launched to raise the last little bit.”
Lemme went on to say that the sequel is “one of the more unique and interesting stories” he’s seen in a while, though it will pick up right where the original 2001 film ended: “The biggest difficulty was trying to top that opening scene, which so many people have complimented us on. I think we’ve done it.” Lemme also revealed that Super Troopers 2 will include just as many, if not more, mustaches as the original: “Everybody who had a mustache in the first one will grow it back. Now the guys who didn’t grow mustaches for the first one want to have a mustache. We’re making them earn it, not sure how we’ll haze them, but they better be prepared.”