Women in Leather Jackets: The TV Season So Far
The fall season is juuuust underway, and while a few stragglers will premiere in the rest of October, we’re mostly up and running. So far, this season hasn’t had any major new hits or any genre breakthroughs. But one thing is common across network and cable, comedy and drama, hit and underdog shows right now: Female characters are wearing a lot of leather. Leather jackets (and possibly faux-leather jackets) are everywhere, more than the reliable jean jacket or even the go-to black blazer. Generally, the jackets are there to represent toughness — or at least a “no-nonsense” attitude, as if there are people who love nonsense — but sometimes it’s just to rough up an otherwise-cutesy sitcom ensemble. Leather for everyone! Please note, all these jackets are from this season, as in, within the last few weeks. Other characters have worn lots of leather jackets in the past — ahem, Olivia Benson — but just not yet this year.

That's not a motorcycle jacket ...

That's a motorcycle jacket. (No, they are not the same jacket.)

And that's a leather harness/cowl thingie.

This show loves leather jackets.

They're not just for action stars and detectives. These leather jackets are also for sitcom leads with terribly styled short haircuts.

Diaz (Stephanie Beatriz) wears a lot of leather because that's how we'll know she's tough!

See? Tough! She's so tough.

Back in the day, only lady cops wore leather outerwear.
Don't be fooled by the title here: She plays a cop. (And she's not really on Chicago Fire, she's on Chicago P.D., but a crossover still counts.)
Leather trim, but it qualifies.
And here is the jacket back in its home environs.
Kalinda is the queen of leather jackets right now. She wore these three in one episode. One!
Toughness level: very tough.
Additional toughness achievement unlocked.
Let's put aside the murder for a moment and think about how this lady is getting away with wearing an insane Designing Women castoff jacket.
Have you heard? Annalise is also tough.
Tough enough for oxblood, thank you very much!
Photo: �� 2014 American Broadcasting Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.Mindy ... is not actually tough. But she does try to stand up to Danny's mom, so maybe that takes internal fortitude.
See? It's the natural clothing choice for she-cops.
It's a leather-off!
Oh, Quinn, at least you have eyebrows this season.
Geniuses can be tough, too.
On Selfie, that jacket is more of a symbol of imperviousness than of ruggedness.
Maybe Abbie and Ichabod could get matching jackets?
Gemma will destroy you.
Only a trim, but that's because Rollins will definitely not be able to destroy you.