Sheila Heti was lucky enough to be in attendance for Haim’s visit to Stevie Nicks’s Santa Monica mansion, and what a day it was. Nicks gave the sisters advice on appropriate onstage attire (“Whatever it is that makes you feel fantastic and free — get three copies of that”), lectured them on the importance of journaling (“You want your journals written by hand in a book, because some day, if you have daughters … these books are gonna go to them, and they’re gonna sit around just like we are now and they’re going to read them out loud”), and invited them back to watch her favorite show, Million Dollar Listing.
But the highlight of the evening came when Nicks presented the three sisters with a parting gift: three golden half-moon pendants.
Nicks: You have to have your moons. So you’re our sisters of the moon.
Este: Are we all sisters right now?
Nicks: You’ve just become sisters. You’re double sisters.
Alana: [fastening her pendant around her neck] I already feel more powerful.
The four new moon sisters also collaborated on a rendition of “Rhiannon,” which you can listen to here. Truly a passing of the torch.