A couple weeks ago, we saw the first trailer for Avengers: Age of Ultron, which gave us our first good look at the new Avengers bad guy, Ultron. But what about their old foe, Loki? It appears he’ll be around as well. Idris Elba was interviewed by the Telegraph this weekend and told a story that revealed a few things he wasn’t supposed to: “I’m in Avengers and I’m doing a scene with Chris Hemsworth [Thor] and Tom Hiddleston [Loki], and they’re like, [whispers] — ‘Aren’t you [meant to be] in Ibiza?’” Loki was last seen at the end of Thor: The Dark World [spoiler alert] posing as Odin. Elba did not mention if their roles would be big and action-packed, or something a bit more low-key.