The roulette wheel for Oscar-nominated white men under the age of 45 who could conceivably play Steve Jobs has now landed on Michael Fassbender. According to Variety, the actor is “in talks” to star in Danny Boyle’s Jobs, which has already seen Leonardo DiCaprio and Christian Bale bow out in the past month. Once Fassbender inevitably drops out, the roulette wheel will be down to Javier Bardem, Edward Norton, Matthew McConaughey, Matt Damon, Ethan Hawke, Jeremy Renner, Mark Wahlberg, Jared Leto, Jean Dujardin, Jude Law, Adrien Brody, Michael Shannon, Joaquin Phoenix, Bradley Cooper, Casey Affleck, James Franco, Ryan Gosling, Jesse Eisenberg, Jonah Hill, and Haley Joel Osment. One of those guys has to say yes.