
John Waters Made a Pink Flamingos for Kids

National treasure and minuscule-mustache man John Waters will kick 2015 off with a new video art piece at Marianne Boesky in Chelsea. The 74-minute film, called Kiddie Flamingos, is essentially going to be a censored table read of Pink Flamingos featuring little kids with wigs, instead of the 1972 movie’s cast. It’s the filmmaker’s first feature-length project in more than a decade and it’ll be part of an exhibition Waters is doing titled “Beverly Hills John.” Compared to its predecessor, Kiddie will have no obscenities, and many of the notoriously shocking and filthy moments from the original script (such as the castration) will be altered to be more age-appropriate for the new actors. “I’ve always said that if you took out the sex and the violence, that it is a children’s story because it’s the battle of the gross-out, and that’s what most kids’ books are now,” Waters tells the Times. He adds that Kiddie is “even more perverse than the original, because it’s transforming innocence into a whole new kind of joyous, G-rated obscenity.” The piece will be available to view, on loop, at “Beverly Hills John” from January 9 to Valentine’s Day (aww! — nothing says date night quite like a John Waters show). Here’s a taste of adult Divine to tide you over till the New Year: