Mark Wahlberg wants to be a reserve officer for the LAPD, and to do so, he has asked Massachusetts to expunge his record. In 1988, Wahlberg attacked two Vietnamese men while shouting racial slurs, for which he ultimately spent 45 days in prison. Today, to talk about the event, the Daily Mail tracked down one of Wahlberg’s victims, Johnny Trinh. Trinh, who had no idea the movie star was his attacker, said, despite rumors, that the attack didn’t result in his blinding: “He did hurt me, but my left eye was already gone.” Now, many years later, Trinh forgives Wahlberg. “He was young and reckless but I forgive him now,” he told the Daily Mail. “Everyone deserves another chance.” He added, “I would like to see him get a pardon. He should not have the crime hanging over him any longer.”