Like their Star Trek characters, Kirk and Spock, it seems that Chris Pine and Zachary Quinto actually are going to be friends through the millennium and beyond. Quinto adorably came out to support Pine at the Sundance party for Z for Zachariah, in which Pine plays one of the last people left on Earth, along with Margot Robbie and Chiwetel Ejiofor. Not bad company. “He’s one of my best friends. I’m a huge fan of his, I’d support him to the end of the earth,” said Quinto, who is a fan of ZFZ director Craig Zobel as well and loved the movie. “Star Trek guys stick together, but Chris and I definitely, we stick together for sure.”
Pine hadn’t yet seen Quinto’s movie at Sundance, I Am Michael, in which Quinto, James Franco, and Charlie Carver have a threesome, but he still couldn’t help but gush about how impressed he is with Quinto. “He’s an actor who produces films that are incredible,” said Pine. “He’s a very good friend of mine. I’d support him in anything.” Pine and I talked briefly about how one of the more interesting aspects of the movie is how not even the apocalypse can lower sexual and racial tensions. “If anything it becomes the primary concern!” said Pine. “There’s no iPhone to take you away from what’s real and right in front of you.”
Finally, I brought up a conversation I’d had with Zobel earlier that day in which I had asked Zobel to give me his odds of survival if he were stuck in the apocalypse with each of his three cast members. “I’m pretty sure that if it was me and Chris, it would be a blast, and we would somehow be dead in a week,” Zobel told me. “Probably,” Pine agreed. “My brain for wit for now is not all that sharp, but we would die. Everything he said is pretty right.”