Jessica Williams Is Not Interested in Hosting ‘The Daily Show’

Since Jon Stewart announced that he’s leaving his post at The Daily Show sometime this year, breakout correspondent Jessica Williams has been at the top of many fans’ lists for possible candidates to take over the show. Unfortunately, if you’re rooting for Williams, there’s one important person who disagrees with you: Jessica Williams: “Fact 1: I’m not hosting,” she said via Twitter last night, explaining:

Thank you but I am extremely under-qualified for the job! At this age (25) if something happens politically that I don’t agree with, I need to go to my room & like not come out for, like, 7 days. That being said I am super not right for it, but there are quite a few people who are! Can’t wait to stick around & see what happens … but I’m not like, dead. This is the beginning of my career. I’m gonna troll that ass for yrs.

Comedy Central reportedly has a “short list” of mystery candidates for the Daily Show gig, but it looks like Williams wants to keep her options open rather than commit to a job that could take up a huge chunk of her career. Considering all of the memorable Daily Show segments Williams has starred in at only 25, it’s safe to say she’ll do just fine without taking over as host.

Jessica Williams Is Not Interested in Hosting ‘The […]