The paths of two true human specimens crossed this weekend: Bill Murray and Rick Ross. The Fader reports that after watching his son’s college basketball team (narrowly) win a game this weekend, the Murrays went into the studio with the rapper. It’s unclear why this happened, but Murray certainly put Ross into a giggle coma. If you’re screaming, “Pics or it didn’t happen,” please relax, breathe, and read on.
Oh, Paul Shaffer and Mitch Glazer were there, too:
There are no more pictures (at least not yet). But don’t be sad — just keep revisiting these gems and pretending that Murray and Ross are moving in together and that they’re doing their own beautiful version of Rob & Big (maybe Murray is the body guard) and that there will be at least three seasons of their absurd shenanigans on MTV for the next few years. Fate, are you listening? If anything was recorded, we need it ASAP.