Just when you thought it might be time someone called a search party for Frank Ocean’s next album, the low-key singer-songwriter updated his Tumblr on Monday with a double whammy: An album and a magazine are coming this summer. “‘I got two versions. I got twoooo versions’ #ISSUE 1 #ALBUM 3 #JULY2015 #BOYSDONTCRY,” he wrote under his latest post, presumably a pic of him piling his forthcoming wares. Billboard confirmed with Ocean’s reps that the artist’s sophomore studio album and follow-up to Channel Orange, along with the mag (titled Boys Don’t Cry), is on its way. The name of the album, however, has not yet been finalized. (If it’s also Boys Don’t Cry, here are a few fun facts that could turn out to be related: The Cure released an identically titled single in 1979, and Hilary Swank starred in a 1999 movie of the same name, about LGBT icon Brandon Teena’s tragic life and death.) Join us in megawatt-smiling about this long-awaited news: