There are all sorts of reasons to go see the Oscar Isaac sci-fi vehicle Ex Machina, but for the editors at Jezebel, one reason takes precedence above all. “Blessed Be; Oscar Isaac’s Beard Is Back,” proclaimed the Jezebel headline (tagged “THIRST”) when the Ex Machina trailer first dropped, showcasing Isaac’s hirsute face in all its glory. And when we caught up with Isaac himself last week at a special screening of Ex Machina at the Crosby Street Hotel, we couldn’t help but show him that example of beard boosterism. “Oh, wow,” he said, scanning the Jezebel article. “Okay, good. Uh, you know, I love my beard, too.” He thought about it. “Actually I hate shaving more than I love the beard; I think that’s really what the beard is. I’m lazy. But hey, I appreciate it.” And Jezebel? “My beard appreciates it, too.”