True Detective Season 2’s Most True Detective–y Faces
This True Detective season-two teaser is giving some face. Everyone’s staring deep into our eyes, compelling us to take them seriously. These are the truest detectives, and they’re out there, assuring us that season two will be just as magically vague and intense as season one. Now, who’s giving their best mean mug?

Dead-eyed Vince Vaughn, giving his best Psycho remake.

Sad-eyed Colin Farrell, who is truly sorry he forgot to turn the oven off before you two drove 30 miles and then had to turn right around.

Serious-eyed Taylor Kitsch, who's ready to be put in, Coach, why won't you just put him in the game?

... Or do you prefer this Taylor Kitsch, who would rather you not bring up his role in Battleship.

Downward-eyed Rachel McAdams, who seems to have gotten herself a brand-new "cop haircut."

... Or do you prefer this Rachel McAdams, who also owns a vest that says "Police"?

Hard-eyed Kelly Reilly, who definitely knows something you'd prefer she didn't.

And this guy. His eyes? Shh.