
Jeremy Renner Still Thinks Black Widow Is a ‘Slut’ Because No One Wants to Have Sex With Hawkeye

Jeremy Renner really wants you to know that calling the Black Widow a “slut” is not a big deal: He was joking! Sort of! Renner went on Conan last night to defend his super-funny joke: “Mind you, I was talking about a fictional character and fictional behavior. But Conan, if you slept with four of the six Avengers, no matter how much fun you had, you’d be a slut. I’d be a slut.” This is not how language works. While a lot of the young kids might use the word slut in empowering or subversive ways, Renner actually just used the dictionary definition: “A woman of dirty, slovenly, or untidy habits or appearance.” (Thanks, OED!) Hawkeye, largely ignored, probably for a good reason.

Did Jeremy Renner Call Black Widow a Slut Again?