David Letterman Gave Chris Gethard the Thumbs-Up to Include the ‘Late Show’ Bridges on the ‘TCGS’ Set

Two of the most memorable parts of David Letterman’s Late Show set have found a new home on the weirdest new show on television right now. The Chris Gethard Show is currently streaming the episode of this Thursday’s taping on YouTube, and Gethard and crew chose to use the episode’s theme – three live weddings with Will Ferrell on hand as everyone’s Best Man – to reveal that the Brooklyn and George Washington bridge set pieces from Late Show will now be official parts of the TCGS set:

One thing that people like to do when they get married in New York is get married in front of some of our bridges. You see it all the time. So, it’s very hard to find a bridge that fits inside a television studio, but luckily, one of my heroes David Letterman, he recently gave us the thumbs-up to use the bridges from his show. So I can think of no better way to debut them on The Chris Gethard Show than to let them serve as the backdrop of your wedding.

Catch the full episode on Fusion this Thursday at 10:00pm.

David Letterman Gave Chris Gethard the Thumbs-Up to […]