The debut season of Lily Tomlin and Jane Fonda’s wonderful new Netflix comedy Grace and Frankie premiered on the streaming network last month, and not long after revealing that they were making the same amount of money as their male supporting costars Martin Sheen and Sam Waterson, a petition for Netflix to “remedy the pay disparity” has been posted on Care2 on their behalf and is just shy of reaching its 8,000-signature goal.
“If famous actors like Jane Fonda and Lily Tomlin can’t escape sexist pay, what does that say about the plight of other women working throughout the country?” said the petition’s author Emily Logan, who also works as Care2’s Director of Acquisition and Retention, in a statement to The Wrap. “By bringing attention even to high-profile individuals suffering from pay unfairness, hopefully we can show Netflix and employers across the nation that they must set standards in which pay doesn’t hinge on an employee’s gender.” The petition also notes how Charlize Theron discovered gender pay disparity on Snow White and the Huntsman after the Sony hacks and was later paid the $10 million difference, so hopefully with the help of this petition, Fonda and Tomlin will also get the paycheck they deserve.