Filmmaking and life-in-general badass James Cameron loves Terminator: Genisys, and he doesn’t care who knows. He even released a whole statement about it to USA Today on Monday, saying that although he had nothing directly to do with the forthcoming film, he’s been fanboying his little behind off about it. “If you watch a film where you’re going on a journey, you’re following the story, and you care about the characters, then you can put the pedal to the metal and the action can be relentless,” he said. “It gives you that kind of body experience where it’s exhilarating, where you’re actually getting an adrenaline rush. That’s what I fought for in the first two films, and I think this film delivers in exactly the same way.” Boom.
In a brief video clip, Cameron goes on to note that Genisys is being “very respectful of the first two films.” (He co-wrote and directed those.) “I feel like the franchise has been reinvigorated.” Shade alert. “Like this is a renaissance … The new film, which in my mind, I think of as the third film, we see Arnold take the character even farther.” Yep, wow, double shade all the way. There was a third one — and a fourth. “If you like the Terminator films,” he promises, “you’re going to love this movie.” Okay, fine, we’ll see it, geez.