fake mayors

Chief Keef Wants to Be the Mayor of Chicago Because He’s Frustrated With the Current One

Chief Keef.

After two Midwest mayors halted his hologram performances, Chief Keef took to social media on Monday to call out and replace one of them. The 19-year-old rapper was supposed to perform a series of concerts, via hologram, this month in Chicago and Hammond, Indiana, but officials in both cities opted to quash that idea because of Keef’s music and its perceived association with violence and drugs. The drama began in Chicago, where Mayor Rahm Emanuel said the musician and his holograms were poor role models as well as significant public-safety risks; he inspired Hammond’s mayor to come to the same conclusions, even though Keef’s shows were being thrown in the name of promoting peace and raising money for gun-violence victims. This upset Keef. His solution? Replace Emanuel with someone he thinks might be more open-minded about music: himself.

On his Twitter and Instagram accounts, Keef asked his fans to call Chicago City Hall and tell Emanuel off:

(If you call the number, you’ll be put on hold and then redirected to someone from the City of Chicago who will offer to help you.)

He also posted this on Instagram, with a caption reading, “Sosa 4 Mayor”:

As Pitchfork points out, though, Emanuel was reelected in February. So this fun plan will have to wait another four years. Although the Hammond concert was ultimately called off, Keef’s hologram did make it onstage briefly. He reportedly told his audience: If you got goals, achieve ‘em. If you got dreams, believe ‘em. Stop the violence, stop the killing, stop the nonsense. Let the kids grow up.”

Chief Keef Wants to Be Mayor of Chicago