
It’s Time to Tune In to Kyle Mooney and Dave McCary’s Brand-New Podcast

Night Of Too Many Stars Live Telethon 2015
Kyle Mooney. Photo: Stephen Lovekin/2015 Getty Images

The good people over at Splitsider and I See the Frog have noticed that SNL guys Kyle Mooney and Dave McCary have been spending their downtime between seasons making the world a better place. How? By endeavoring to make their fans a brand-new podcast! Called D and K Podcast, the project already has a pretty sizable social push and following — that is, they have one tweet, lots of Instagrams … and no episodes. Its only description is that it’s “a new podcast.” But that’s the genius of it all: Most of the nonaction in this overenthusiastic, let’s-make-a-podcast parody plays out on the D and K Instagram account, which, for the last half-dozen or so weeks, has mostly tracked Kyle thinking up ideas for the so-far-nonexistent podcast. And then trying to get Dave onboard. It’s brilliant. It’s weird and hilarious. It’s mostly brilliant. Just like the duo’s SNL and Good Neighbor fare, it’s also a little more complicated than it sounds.

Around the end of May and the beginning of June, Kyle, a.k.a. K, began the podcast’s social push:

Dave, a.k.a. D, was actually not that stoked about it:

D’s aversion to the podcast has become one of the parody’s central (and most hilarious) themes:

As well as an opportunity for K to capitalize on some totally rockin’ audience engagement:

Things were going so well on the preproduction front that K hired an intern with superhuman powers:

That didn’t go so well:

So now they’re kind of back to square one?:

Anyway, we can’t wait for the premier(e) episode. For the love of K, please put it out soon. There’s a lot more great D and K action on Instagram; you can follow the updates here and here. (Save Annette, save the world, K.)

Let’s Tune In to Kyle Mooney’s New Podcast