Seemingly out of the blue, Lil B, sometimes also known as the BasedGod, tweeted an inappropriate sexual joke Monday night that he quickly regretted. “I might start saying I’m trans and I’m a woman so I can be in the girls Locker room with the ladies !!!!!! No homo I’m still growin,” he tweeted. After receiving what he called considerable backlash, the rapper said he was sorry and admitted he was transphobic, retweeting and exchanging words with many of his roughly 1 million followers (and also getting excited that former Jackass member Chris Pontius followed him). What ultimately ensued was a veritable monologue about wanting to be comfortable with himself as well as more accepting of his fellow humans.
Here are his tweets:
As some on Twitter pointed out, this is not the first time (in fairly recent memory) that Lil B has tweeted something and immediately issued some sort of apology or damage-control response:
Still, the rapper finished by underlining his trademark goals of trying to spread love and positivity:
Some of Lil B’s followers told him he should be able to tweet whatever he wants. A majority of his retweets, however, echoed bittersweet sentiments that said fans were disappointed in him, but glad he apologized so quickly and openly and that he’s admitted a willingness to grow and to try to employ a sense of respect for all people.