Last week, Amy Schumer went on the defensive after The Guardian published a mostly laudatory editorial that said that while she was good on feminism, she had a “blind spot” around race. As is often the response from comedians, Schumer tweeted that it was just “a joke” and that she wasn’t racist. One week later, Schumer seems to have softened her approach. She responded to an inquiry on Twitter about one of the jokes from her stand-up where she said, “I used to date Hispanic guys, but now I prefer consensual.” She wrote:
Thank you so much for asking. I wrote this joke 2 years ago. I used to do a lot of short dumb jokes like this. I played a dumb white girl character on stage. I still do sometimes. Once I realized I had more eyes and ears on me and had an influence I stopped telling jokes like that on stage. I am evolving as an artist. I am taking responsibility and hope I haven’t hurt anyone. And I apologize it I did [sic]. Thanks again for asking.