Women in Hollywood are still getting paid less than their male counterparts, but at least they’re speaking out about it. Amanda Seyfried followed in the badass steps of Patricia Arquette and told Sunday Times that she was making a paltry sum relative to an equally famous male co-star on a Hollywood film. “A few years ago, on one of my big-budget films, I found I was being paid 10 percent of what my male co-star was getting,” she said. “And we were pretty even in status.” (She doesn’t name the actor or the film, so you may speculate as to whether this actor’s name rhymes with Freddie Fredmayne or not.)
Seyfried suggests that maybe people take advantage of her because she seems so chill. “I think people think that just because I’m easy-going and game to do things I’ll just take as little as they offer,” she said. “It’s not about how much you get; it’s about how fair it is.” Seyfried said that it was important for female actors to fight for equal pay and be “willing to walk away from something” — no doubt as Charlize Theron and Jennifer Lawrence have recently done in the wake of the Sony hack that revealed both to be making less than their male co-stars. Or as Cookie Lyon would say, they’re just getting what’s theirs.