Earlier this week, Chief Keef let us all know he had a new baby boy to share with the world: Sno, a.k.a. the White Sosa (this name works on a lot of levels; also, congratulations, Chief). DNAinfo Chicago reports that the baby’s full name is officially Sno FilmOn Dot Com Cozart — pointing out that the middle name is a clear reference to the artist’s record label and label’s web address. Celebs have been running with odd baby names for years, but this is pretty next-level — pretty nothing-is-sacred-anymore. A spokesperson for Keef, 20, confirmed with DNAinfo that the reason behind the name is to promote an upcoming album: “Chief Keef and his newest baby mama have agreed to name the newborn Sno FilmOn Dot Com Cozart in order to promote the release of Sosa’s double album Bang 3 with FilmOn Music and MondoTunes on September 18.” It should be noted that if you read the middle name to Siri, yes, you will in fact be directed to FilmOn.com. Sno is reportedly Keef’s fifth child, but likely his first living, breathing album promotion. (Sno — just in case you’re not into it.)