Last week, Degrassi ended its TeenNick era with a farewell special that looked back on the show’s first 14 seasons. Several original Next Generation cast members shared memories, including Paige, Spinner, Craig, Marco, and Ellie. But to the disappointment of fans who’ve been watching since the beginning, Drake — who holds the show’s best “Where Are They Now?” story — skipped the reunion. (Though his castmates spent plenty of time dishing on his days as Aubrey — they still call him that! — and, of course, that shooting.) But now we can all stop hating Drake for snubbing the bottom from which he started: He did show up for a mini-Degrassi reunion! On Wednesday night, the 6 God stopped by the premiere of a new web series, We Are Disorderly (launched by other Degrassi alums, Mazin Elsadig and Al Mukadam), and the event turned out to be a who’s-who of Degrassi OGs. Here’s Drake shoulder-to-shoulder with Sean (Daniel Clark), Marco (Adamo Ruggiero), and Paige (Lauren Collins)! In the same photo! It’s not Photoshopped!

And here he is with Al Mukadam (left of Drake) and Mazin Elsadig (right of Drake), whose seasons on Degrassi just barely overlapped with Drake’s. Toronto’s a small world.

Degrassi doesn’t make its way to Netflix until next year, which means there’s still time for a Drake cameo. Hey, if Spinner can return to run the Dot, then surely Jimmy can come back to mentor some aspiring rapper, who will probably also get shot — because Degrassi never stops going there.