Slowly but surely, the Hollywood Foreign Press Association is getting with the times: The Golden Globes’ governing body announced updated eligibility rules today that allow simultaneous theatrical-VOD releases to be recognized as motion pictures, among other changes. Previously, if a VOD release was involved, the feature was classified as television. Also notable is the HFPA’s revision to TV-series qualifications: Its minimum length for consideration is now 150 minutes, down from the earlier, more vague “six episode” requirement. In addition, series should feature “an ongoing theme, storyline or main characters (TV series) or a complete, non-recurring story (limited series).” Also, screentime guidelines now dictate that a supporting actor must be visible for at least 5 percent of the program to be eligible for a Globe. Foreign-language films are required to bear multiple countries of origin as well, and must provide screeners to voters in addition to holding formal screenings; this is meant to help with their visibility.
Wondering how these changes will play out? We’ll see when nominations for the 73rd annual Golden Globes are announced December 10.