Last night we said farewell to Jon Stewart on The Daily Show, and the people tuned in. Stewart’s final show brought in 3.5 million total viewers (live plus same day), making it the second-most-viewed episode in the series’ history, behind the episode when then-senator Barack Obama sat down for an interview on October 29, 2008, less than a week before his landmark election as president of the United States. (That episode brought in 3.6 million total live and same-day viewers.) But of course, since millennials don’t watch things live anymore, there have been an additional 1 million streams on Hulu of the full episode so far — a number that will be sure to grow. Comparatively, The Daily Show brought in more eyeballs than when Stephen Colbert called it quits at The Colbert Report back in December. All of this is to say, we’ll miss you, Jon Stewart.