Lee Daniels appears to have dropped a bomb on Empire fans: The director announced at Mariah Carey’s Hollywood Walk of Fame ceremony that the elusive chanteuse will join Empire next season, reports BuzzFeed. Though it doesn’t sound like a deal is set in stone just yet — Variety reports that Daniels isn’t even at liberty to discuss her role or character because he’s “already in trouble with [his] publicist.” Daniels does note, however, that he’s “very excited to see where she goes on Empire.” In the past, Daniels and Carey have worked together on Precious and The Butler, so it’s not a stretch to believe the two could collaborate again on Empire. And she did have Jussie Smollett star in her latest video after he gushed about wanting her on the show. After all, how much longer can Empire really exist in a world without Mariah? Cookie, she’s coming for ya.