Morrissey doesn’t do interviews much; he prefers to share his many musings on the world via his popular fan site True to You. But he granted Larry King his first on-air interview in ten years, which will broadcast Wednesday afternoon on Ora.TV. Several clips from the interview are already online, and while Morrissey seems in good spirits, he addresses a wide range of serious subjects, including his long battle with depression (“[suicide] is admirable”), being diagnosed with esophageal cancer (“I’m okay”), and that alleged sexual assault last month at the San Francisco airport (“he put his finger down my rear cleavage”).
But it wouldn’t be a Morrissey interview without controversy. When Larry King quizzed him on American politics, Morrissey once again questioned Obama’s allegiance to the black community in the year since Ferguson: “Is he white inside? It’s a very logical question, but I think he probably is.” As for whom he’s cheering on next election, he thinks America’s ready for President Hillary Clinton. He also shared his pessimistic thoughts about the music business, saying “music appears to be dying.” Oh, Moz!
He closed out the interview with a performance of “Kiss Me a Lot,” from last year’s World Peace Is None of Your Business.