If you’ve been reading recent blog posts about Matt Damon and thinking, Whoa, what’s gotten into that nice boy Will Hunting lately? know that you’re not alone — Matt Damon feels that way, too! In an interview with THR (conducted before his comments to The Guardian about gay actors keeping their sexuality a mystery gave him a second social-media scandal), Damon addressed the Project Greenlight race flap, in which a preview clip from the show appeared to show him interrupting a black producer to disagree with her statements on diversity. Though he says “there was some context taken out” of the version of the incident that went viral, Damon agrees that it was a misstep.
“I went, ‘Oh my God, I look like an asshole,’” he says, after watching the clip. “I thought it was a really insensitive thing to say.” Damon later apologized for his comments, saying in a statement, “I am sorry that they offended some people, but, at the very least, I am happy that they started a conversation about diversity in Hollywood.”