Still processing the news that a Billie Holiday hologram is coming to the Apollo this fall? Sit down, there’s more: A holographic Whitney Houston is now official, and she’ll arrive next year. Alki David’s Hologram USA announced Friday that their interactive Whitney hologram will perform at “a major U.S. venue” in 2016 for a greatest-hits concert to be streamed on FilmOn, another David-owned business. Her hologram will also go on tour, just like another company has planned for Selena. Pat Houston, Whitney’s sister-in-law and head of her estate, revealed last year that talks of turning the late singer into a hologram were ongoing, but that she’d turned down previous offers. Today, Pat confirmed the authorized hologram in a statement: “It’s a great opportunity for her fans to see a reinvention one of the most celebrated female artists in history and to continue a legacy of performances that will not be forgotten in years to come.” No word yet if in 2017 we should expect a hologram of Jesus to go on tour.