Remember when Tyra Banks was a doll that turned into a human? Good news: She, or someone else, might do that again! Hollywood Life is freaking out and reporting that Banks’s Disney movie Life-Size has a long-overdue sequel in the works. “We have gotten many drafts of scripts, and the one thing I can say is that to the Disney Channel executives, Life-Size is so precious,” Banks told the site. It’s unclear if Lindsay Lohan will reprise her role as the tomboy with the cool magic kit and the complex ability to love, but one can only hope a faithful time-jump is involved. (Other plot and character details have not been made available yet either.) “[Life-Size is] like their baby,” Banks added of the 15-year-old TV-movie, “so they just want it perfect. They keep re-doing it and re-doing it and re-doing the script, and we are in another round of redos, and we’re hoping for Christmas 2016.” In other words, it’s time to brush up on the lyrics to “Be a Star.”