
Taraji P. Henson and Terrence Howard Stage a Fake Fight to Prove They’re Not Really Fighting

55th Monte Carlo TV Festival : Day 1
They’re chill! Photo: Pascal Le Segretain/Getty Images

It’s terrible when fake Mom and Dad fight! But if they can fake-fight, it means that they’re not fighting in real life, right? To quash any rumors that there is feuding on the set of Empire, its star Taraji P. Henson posted a video to Instagram with the following caption: “HA! Word on THA street is Terrence and I don’t get along! Like I would fight to work with someone I DO NOT get along with?!Don’t be silly.” There’s Taraji, fake-fighting with Terrence Howard while wearing the hell out of that poncho. Cookie would be proud.

Empire’s Taraji and Terrence Stage a Fake Fight