The Coen Brothers have made multiple homages to the spirit of classical Hollywood comedies, but with Hail, Caesar!, they’ve finally taken the next step and produced a film about the golden age of Hollywood itself. As you might expect, a number of A-listers leapt (often literally) at the chance to travel in the Coens’ time machine: We’ve got George Clooney leading with his chin as a kidnapped movie star, Channing Tatum singing and dancing in Navy whites, Scarlett Johansson breaking out her best Noo Yawk accent, and Tilda Swinton going full Tilda as a nosy gossip columnist. None of those people appear in the film’s new trailer: Instead, we’ve got two minutes of Ralph Feinnes trying to teach Alden Ehrenreich how to talk good. Would that it were so simple!
Watch the movie’s previous trailers below to see all the charm of old Hollywood, with none of the secret abortions.