Tom Hiddleston, ever the fine British gentleman, filled in for his Crimson Peak director Guillermo del Toro at a TimesTalk last night when del Toro was rendered unable to attend at the last minute. (Hiddleston was apparently “on the treadmill” when he got the call, and came right over. What a guy!) The discussion encompassed a variety of Hiddleston’s projects, ranging from the Peak to Thor to his upcoming Hank Williams biopic I Saw the Light. But even Times journalists want to ask silly fangirl questions sometimes, and moderator Melena Ryzik went for it: If Benedict Cumberbatch’s fan posse, the Cumberbitches, got into a fight with Hiddleston’s devout clan, the Hiddlestoners, who would win? Don’t cue the music and finger-snapping just yet:
I don’t think … I think Benedict, if he was standing here, we would want there to be no fighting. No fighting involved. Only passion and very much try to inspire love as opposed to pugnaciousness.
Put down the brass knuckles, Cumberbitches. Away with the crowbars, Hiddlestoners. Listen to your masters … for now.