In a new (print-only) interview with Empire, Jared Leto discusses his transformation into the Joker for Suicide Squad, a Method-acting process that led him to do things like send Margot Robbie a live rat as a pet. “There was definitely a period of … detachment,” Leto says. “I took a pretty deep dive. But this was a unique opportunity and I couldn’t imagine doing it another way.” And, lest a day go by without talking about his genitals, Leto offered a detailed summation of the experience: “It was fun, playing those psychological games. But at the same time it was very painful, like giving birth out of my prick hole.” Congratulations, you now have a mental image of Jared Leto’s urethra.
In other news that has less to do with Jared Leto’s penis, Empire also revealed more of the Joker’s Suicide Squad costume. He appears to have his own name tattooed across his stomach: