With just over three months to go before the Iowa caucuses, one question has captivated America’s political elite: Will there be a Legally Blonde 3? While appearing on Fashionably Late, Witherspoon endorsed the idea: “It would be pretty cool, I think we’re ready to see Elle and see what she’s up to lately.” The actress revealed that various ideas had been pitched for the sequel over the years, though she declined to discuss hypotheticals. Now, she said, America is ready for Elle: “It’s kind of great right now because we’re talking about women in politics and how important that is to get more women. And I think it’d be kind of a cool thing to have her be a Supreme Court justice or somebody who runs for office.” Witherspoon cautioned that there were no concrete plans for the movie in the works but did say that, after thinking about the sequel, she would announce her decision in the Rose Garden.
Luke Wilson is into it as well: