Since his casting back in August, Game of Thrones has stayed mum on exactly whom Ian McShane will be playing on the show’s sixth season, with reports only stating that the Deadwood veteran will have a brief yet important role. But now, in an interview with Pop Goes the News, McShane himself has dropped a tantalizing tidbit. “I’ll give you one hint,” he said of his single-episode run on the show. “I am responsible for bringing somebody back that you think you’re never going to see again.” With the number of the show’s departed rising into the 60s, that could technically mean anyone! However, fans have zeroed in on three possible suspects for the returnee: There’s Jon Snow, whose hair has given him away; Lady Stoneheart, who should really be back by now; and the Hound, whose end was ambiguous in both book and show. Given that Jon is already well set up with possible saviors, it’s fair to say that McShane will probably be involved with one of the others, either of which would seem to indicate that he’ll be playing season six’s composite of Septon Meribald and the Elder Brother. Will he get a version of Meribald’s famous monologue? If so, pencil in next-year’s guest-acting Emmy already.