Pierce Brosnan, having played James Bond opposite Denise Richards as a nuclear physicist, knows about missteps in the franchise. So when he sat down with HitFix, he divulged exactly how little he cared for the latest Bond film, Spectre. “I was looking forward to it enormously,” Brosnan said, before lowering the boom with, “I thought it was too long. The story was kind of weak — it could have been condensed. It kind of went on too long. It really did.” He then threw some shade on the Bourne movies and said it was more like the Matt Damon franchise in parts than a Bond film.
Brosnan, however, is still a fan of his Bond successor, Daniel Craig: “He’s a mighty warrior, and I think he found a great sense of himself in this one with the one-liners and a nice playfulness there. Just get a tighter story, and he’ll have another classic.” Craig might sit that next one out, but that’s good advice to whoever takes up the 007 mantle next.