Sure, you might be into the idea of seeing the new Star Wars. You might’ve loved the fact there was more footage released this weekend, thanks to the first Force Awakens TV spot. And you might think you’re as excited as John Boyega — maybe more — to see him onscreen, along with Adam Driver and the other new additions. But here, in the form of yet another strong Instagram video, is enthusiastic evidence in support of the contrary:
Boyega spent the day dressed as Driver’s character, Kylo Ren, wielding that crazy new red lightsaber and showing off his moves. Why? He’s genuinely pumped, and wants you to be, too. Just look at what he did to this unsuspecting Stormtrooper last week:
Star Wars–promoting John Boyega is a great John Boyega. Look for him at your local cinema when the movie debuts. He’ll be the guy with the big hat:
That’ll happen December 18 — a.k.a. very, very soon.