Great job, everybody! People can’t stop filming stand-up routines, so now we’re all about to start putting our cell phones in little cloth cell-phone prisons whenever we go to a comedy show: Not one to stick around when he’s feeling disrespected by an audience, Dave Chappelle is currently teaming up with tech company Yondr to ensure you won’t bust out your iPhone in the middle of his set. If you plan to see Chappelle perform at Chicago’s Thalia Hall this week, you will be required to place your phone in one of Yondr’s wireless-blocking phone pockets. The bags will then lock once once you enter the venue for the duration of the show. At the risk of editorializing, I think this entire idea is an outrage. Where are they going to ban cell phone use next? Airplanes? Libraries? Hospitals? What is this, 1984? They didn’t even have cell phones back then!