Earlier this week, a post by a Syrian refugee calling himself “The Scientist” appeared on the Humans of New York Facebook page, telling the devastating story of how he lost his family and has been fighting against stomach cancer. It attracted the attention of President Obama, who commented on the post. Now Edward Norton is working with Humans of New York to help campaign to raise money for Syrian refugees, saying:
Everything we raise here will go directly to this family to help the father get the medical treatment he needs to live and pursue his work, to help his family build a new stable life after their tragedy. And … as the Scientist beautifully expresses … to support his dream of contributing to the world … If we don’t welcome people like this into our communities and empower his dream of making an impact with his life, then we’re not the country we tell ourselves we are.
So far, $278,500 has been raised. Maybe there’s hope for humanity after all.